Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Nice Piece of Jewelery

"So I'll Cherish the Old Rugged Cross"

It was a really nice necklace. The cross dangling from the necklace was white and attracted attention. It could have been a sign of faith. It might have been an indication of a life changed by a relationship with God. It could have been a symbol of something different in contrast to the people of the current culture.

Or it could simply be a different piece of jewelery cast about the neck of a pop superstar. Unfortunately, the later is the case as the necklace dangled from Madonna's neck while she squirmed, danced, and sang. I am pretty sure that the necklace meant little more to her than any other bobble she could have worn.

My question for you this week is this - what does it mean to you? The cross....what does it mean? What impact has the cross had in your life personally? Is it something that you put up and take down...put on and take off...display for some and hide from others? Let me share with you what the cross means to me.

The Cross Reminds me of my Guilt

Were it not for my sin...my guilt there would have been no need for the cross. I suppose that if I was unaware of my need for the cross because of my guilt I could see it as little more than a nice piece of jewelry. But I know my guilt. I know the depth of the fall in my life. I know that I could blame no one else for my circumstance. I needed the cross. I need the cross. One of my favorite hymns says it this way:

"I've wandered far away from God, but now I'm coming home.

The paths fo sin too long I've trod, now I'm coming home."

Possibly you wonder why someone would want to be reminded of their guilt, let me explain. It's not that I want to remember all I've done wrong and all the pain and sorrow my actions have caused. What I'm reminded of is the depth of my guilt in relation to the depth of God's Love. Because...

The Cross Reminds me of Christ's Precious Price

While we were living in West Virginia we really fell on some difficult financial times. We were struggling to make it week to week. Buy groceries for our little family of four was hard, and the cost was great, but we had to eat. I remember one day getting ready to check out at the grocery store with our basket of groceries when our friend and deacon, Cliff Tolosa, approached me in the line. He and his son got in line in front of me and began unloading my buggy. The explanation he gave, "The Lord told them they needed to buy these groceries." They paid the price for me, and I have never forgotten their kindness.

My guilt, my sin, required someone to step up and pay the price. Romans 6.23 tells me that the price for my sin is death. If no one stepped into the gap for me then I would be required to pay that price myself. The depth of God's love and the wonder of His compassion is shown in that even in the midst of my rebellion and sin He sent Jesus Christ to the cross on my behalf. (Romans 5.8)

First Peter reminds us of the precious price paid for our redemption. And if you address as Father the One who impartially judges according to each man's work, conduct yourselves in fear during the time of your stay upon earth knowing that you were not redeemed with perishable things like silver or gold from your futile way of life inherited from your forefathers, but with precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ. [1 Peter 1.17-19 NASB]

The Cross Reminds me of My Eternal Destiny

The cross is like a dividing post on the pathway of my life. There was a time when I was on the approaching side of the cross. In that place I was lost and without hope. I was walking a pathway of death and destruction.

In His love God brought me to the cross. When I realized my need for salvation God was there to grant it to me. Now I live on the eternal side of the cross where I walk with the Lord everyday and I look forward to eternal life in heaven. I can look back to the time when I trusted Jesus Christ and remember that in that moment my life was forever changed.

The Cross Reminds me of My Opportunity and Responsibility

Finally, the cross, whether I'm wearing it on a chain on my neck. in a patch on my shirt, or I'm bowing before it in worship and adoration, reminds me of the opportunity and responsibility that God has left in my hands. I have the privilege of sharing the love of Jesus with people who don't know Him. Years ago God used a song in my life to grip my heart, the words are like this:

"Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim 'til all the world adore His sacred Name"

Lifting the cross indicates that we need to live a life that displays Jesus for the world around us.

The Cross is More than an Accessory

For Madonna and countless others the cross around their neck is an accessory. For me the cross is the symbol of the most important aspect of my life.

Years ago a patrolman walking a beat in a big city noticed a young lad seated and crying on the curb ourside a candy store. When he asked he learned that the little boy had moved to town just a short while ago and was lost. He didn't know his address, phone number, or any information that would have been helpful. The officer began listing nearby landmarks to see if any of them sparked the child's memory. The school...the park...the library...the firehouse...but the child didn't have any idea where any of those places were. He was about to give in and bring the child to the police station when he spied the steeple of the church. He asked the young boy if he lived near the church and the boy's eyes got wide with excitement. "Yes!" he exclaimed, "I live near the big cross. If you can get me to the cross then I'll be home!"

That's the unheard cry of every person on the planet. For them to find their way home they need to be brought to the cross.

Lift High The Cross!


Pastor Dave

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